Be Your Best!

The last several weeks certainly have been quite challenging as we all face this Global Pandemic. Its been devastating watching Clubs close and knowing what this means to all you gymnasts, your coaches and Club owners. This has been a necessary measure to help slow the spread of the Coronavirus and prevent the loss of lives.

Through all the disappointment, it didn’t take long to see the amazing mindset shift of the online Gymnastics community.The ability to adapt so quickly to keeping up training skills and strength work at home is a credit to the sport you love. The toughest sport there is, Gymnastics!!

Now more than ever is a time to stay positive, be self motivated and be active. So this month we are introducing the ‘Be Your Best’ monthly award


Be Your Best

Keep up your skills and strength work at home. To enter the monthly giveaway:

  • must be a current LGS Tribe Member
  • Tag #littlegymshop in your Insta posts or @Little Gym Shop on Facebook
  • standout by using hashtag #lgsbeyourbest and letting us know how your training to be your best
  • monthly winner will win a LGS ‘Be Your Best’ singlet designed by GMD Activewear, a training journal and certificate

It’s not about having the skill to do something. It’s about having the will, desire and committment to be your best.

Tag us as often as you like in your posts, help motivate other tribe members or gym mates who are struggling with motivation. This is what a community does, they look after each other!

The monthly winner will be announced on the last day of each month on our Tribe community news and on our Instagram page

Remember to be committed, focused, set goals and most importantly ‘Be Your Best’

Cheers for now, Tania 😍  

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